Good~Nite™ Aromatea™ & Breath Drops
Regular price $22.00
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Combat stress, sleeplessness, irritability & nervousness, relaxing the mind & body with this beautiful melatonin-releasing tea. Also may lower high blood pressure.
Breath - Patiently allow 2-4 drops to fall onto tongue.
Tea - 10-15 drops in hot water & immediately stir, sniff ‘n’ sip.
Ingredients: Distilled water, organic agave nectar syrup, essential oil of organic lavender, chamomile, tangerine, ylang ylang.
Our brain and heart health, immune system, productivity, emotional balance, creativity, vitality, and even our weight is directly affected by how much sleep we get. While many people suffer from insomnia, there are also those who suffer from what I’ll call “Can’t Turn My Brain Off Syndrome”. Even after climbing under the covers and shutting our eyes, our minds go round and round, making it difficult to drift off into our necessary slumber. Believe it or not, Insomnia isn’t a condition, but a symptom. Chronic insomnia may very well need to be addressed between you and your physician. However, if you have implemented all of the methods known to ensure a good night’s sleep (such as keeping a consistent sleep time routine, having a cool, dark environment, staying away from late night meals, caffeine or alcohol, and exercising regularly), yet you still find yourself dealing with acute insomnia (bouts of trouble falling or staying asleep), there are many natural ways to help with this. According to the CDC, nearly nine million adults take prescription sleeping aids. Nine MILLION people ingesting pharmaceuticals so they can sleep at night. The good news is that for those of us seeking to live as healthy and natural as possible, there are lots of other options! There are teas, meditation, and our specialty, Organic Essential Oils! Numerous oils have proven to be an effective alternative to popping pills before bed, and although there are many to choose from, we’ll be sharing the Top Three Essential Oils for a Good Nite’s Sleep…
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