Hear founder/owner Ginger Ravencroft speak about HORMONE BALANCE.
Human beings are miraculous. The complexity of our physical bodies alone still baffles the greatest minds on the planet. When we factor in the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of each individual, let alone how all of these complexities differ between genders? Well, you get the picture!
While men have their unique physical gifts and challenges, we, as women, most definitely face a broader range of hormonal variations during our lifetimes. From puberty through menopause, most women must face the fact that our fluctuating hormones play a role in our daily lives; a small role for some, and a massive role for others. Regardless of where you (and perhaps your daughter/s) may fall on this spectrum, educating yourself and embracing the role you can play in your own feminine hormonal experiences can significantly change for the better!
Hormones are chemical messengers that travel through the bloodstream to organs and tissues, controlling how our cells and organs function. These chemical messengers are produced by glands in the endocrine system (basically a “network” of glands that regulate how your body functions) and affect numerous somatic processes such as Growth & Development, Metabolism, Reproduction, Sexual Desire & Physiological Responses, Sleep Cycles, Mood, Responses to Stress and Homeostasis.
As we reach puberty, between 11-14 years of age, the female reproductive system undergoes regular cyclic changes known as the Menstrual Cycle. This monthly Cycle - which begins on the first day of menstruation and lasts until the first day of the following menstruation - serves as the body’s periodic preparation for ovulation and potential for pregnancy. Although the length of each woman’s Cycle may vary (anywhere between 21-35 days), that Cycle goes through four distinct phases, each driven by hormonal changes. Your pituitary gland (located in the brain) and your ovaries (a pair of female glands in which the eggs form and the female hormones estrogen and progesterone are made) create and release certain hormones during each phase of the menstrual cycle, and also affect us during our journey through menopause (the cessation of the menstrual cycle).
As females, the two hormones that have the most dramatic effect throughout our lifetimes are Estrogen and Progesterone.
Progesterone is a hormone that plays a vital role in a woman’s reproductive system. It is released by the corpus luteum within the ovary and plays a vital role in the menstrual cycle and the early stages of pregnancy. As this hormone fluctuates not only through the monthly menstrual cycle, but throughout a woman’s entire lifetime, and has been linked to intense and frequent mood swings during perimenopause, menopause, and postpartum depression, it is important to have a basic understanding of this hormone's impact and how different levels of progesterone may affect things such as difficulty conceiving, mood, bloating, weight gain, energy levels, hot flashes, and quality of sleep.
Estrogens are a group of hormones that are not only responsible for the healthy sexual and reproductive development of women but likewise affect many physiological effects in the body. Puberty, menstruation (including regularity), pregnancy, sex drive, bone & heart health, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels, collagen production, quality of sleep, and, according to the National Institute of Health, estrogen levels even affect the brain, influencing behavior, ability to focus and neural systems. Although a small portion of estrogen is secreted through your adrenal glands and adipose tissue (body fat), like progesterone, the majority of it is made by your ovaries during reproductive years.
There are three ‘types’ of estrogen (E1, E2 & E3):
E2 (Estradiol): The Estrogen that packs the biggest punch! E1 is produced during a woman’s reproductive years and is the most common and most potent form of estrogen. This form of estrogen is primarily used for those who choose HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) during menopause.
E3 (Estriol): The primary Estrogen produced during pregnancy.
E1 (Estrone): The primary estrogen produced post-menopause. This is a weaker form of estrogen than Estradiol
Now, let’s address how the fluctuations of these hormones affect us during the Four Phases of the Menstrual Cycle, how the decrease in these hormones may affect us during the seasons of Perimenopause and Menopause, and how Organic Essential Oils, widely accepted as an effective and complementary therapy, may help alleviate some of the unpleasant symptoms which can occur during these times.
First, we will discuss exactly how Organic Essential Oils can help balance hormones on a physiological level. Studies have shown that Therapeutic-grade Essential oils like Clary Sage, Geranium, Lavender, Myrtle, Sage, and others can influence hormonal balance by interacting with the body's Endocrine System. These oils contain phytoestrogens and other active compounds within their composition which can impact the hypothalamus (the part of the brain responsible for regulating hormone production).
As you may recall, Estradiol is the primary form of estrogen produced for women during their reproductive years, as well as the form used for HRT. The structural similarity of Phytoestrogens, which naturally occur in certain plant compounds, can modulate or ‘mimic’ the effects of estradiol within the human body; this can have significant effects on hormonal homeostasis. Depending on the body’s current hormone levels, these phytoestrogens can bind to estrogen receptors, essentially activating them or blocking them, which leads to either an increase or decrease in estrogenic activity. So if levels are too high, they can reduce activity which can be beneficial for PMS; and if they are randomly low and fluctuating like crazy (as during peri/menopause), they can have a gentle estrogenic effect. Phytoestrogens can also be particularly beneficial for menstrual symptoms such as cramping, headaches, and fatigue. Their antioxidant properties help protect cells from oxidative stress as well as anti-inflammatory properties to help with inflammation.
When inhaled, the aromatic compounds interact with the Olfactory System sending signals to the Limbic System, a region of the brain that is involved in influencing emotions, behaviors, and hormone release.
When applied topically and absorbed through the skin (always diluted!) these oils can penetrate the skin barrier and enter the bloodstream. Here, they have been shown to cause positive systemic effects such as reducing cortisol levels, which supports overall hormonal balance and reduces symptoms such as anxiety and cramping.
Okay ladies, in the next sections we will break down all the lovely stages of life in which hormonal shifts occur. We will cover the Menstrual Cycle as a whole, as well as Perimenopause and Menopause, and then share how incorporating some of the magical plant essences provided by Nature and Ravenscroft Escentials can help with all of these experiences!
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Author: Lisa DeChavan
Lisa DeChavan is a professional freelance writer passionate about crafting stories that inform, inspire, and connect people. With a focus on Eco-Travel, Volunteering in Organic Farming, and Herbal Medicine, Lisa blends research, personal insight, and creativity to deliver articles that resonate. When not writing, you'll find her exploring the world, and nature, creating art, and volunteering. @LisaDechavan